Automatic Machine Learning (AUTO-AUTO-ENCODER!)

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Title Automatic Machine Learning (AUTO-AUTO-ENCODER!)
Summary Automatic configuration algorithm for autoencoders
Keywords Deep learning, autoencoder, meta learning, AutoML
TimeFrame Fall 2018
References The following paper summarises the algorithm configuration in the different domain :

This paper presents the initial idea behind Bayesian optimization for estimating parameter:

Previous master thesis on applying autoencoder for histogram data: Robin Ng, “Efficient Implementation of Histogram Dimension Reduction using Deep Learning”, 2017.

Prerequisites Artificial Intelligence and Learning Systems courses,
Supervisor Sławomir Nowaczyk, Sepideh Pashami
Level Master
Status Open

For anyone who is tired of machine learning algorithm’s configuration.

Algorithm configuration plays an important role in the performance of machine learning methods. In addition, data scientists every day spend a lot of time with a little guidance to choose the parameters of the algorithm. Further, learning the parameter of the algorithm as automatic as possible enables the use of machine learning for a wider range of science and technology.

Usually, state of the art methods target supervised classification machine learning tasks. This project focuses on parameter configurations of autoencoders for variously available datasets. Autoencoder is unsupervised feature extraction technique based on the neural network which trains in a supervised fashion. Following explains the necessary steps toward achieving an automatic autoencoder during this project.

- Studying recent advances in meta-learning, transfer learning, algorithm selection, and algorithm configuration.
- Studying and implementing autoencoder 
- Adapting existing algorithm configurations for autoencoder and comparing their performance