

This is a property of type String.

Pages using the property "Year"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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Bayesian Network Representation of Meaningful Patterns in Electricity Distribution Grids +2016  +
Best Regions for Periocular Recognition with NIR and Visible Images +2014  +
Bioinformatic approaches for modeling the substrate specificity of HIV-1 protease : an overview +2007  +
Biometric Recognition Using Periocular Images +2013  +
Biometric authentication : International ECCV 2002 Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1, 2002 : proceedings +2002  +
Biometric identification of mice +2006  +
Boosting performance of the edge-based active contour model applied to phytoplankton images +2012  +
Bridging the Gap Between Semantic Planning and Continuous Control for Mobile Manipulation Using a Graph-Based World Representation +2009  +
Building video databases to boost performance quantification -- the DXM2VTS database +2006  +


Categorizing Normal and Pathological Voices : Automated and Perceptual Categorization +2011  +
Categorizing cells in phytoplankton images +2011  +
Categorizing laryngeal images for decision support +2007  +
Categorizing sequences of laryngeal data for decision support +2009  +
Causal discovery using clusters from observational data +2018  +
Classification of crops and weeds extracted by active shape models +2008  +
Closed-loop control of EGR using ion currents +2008  +
Colour classification by neural networks in graphic arts +1998  +
Colour image segmentation by modular neural network +1997  +
Colour speck counter for assessing the dirt level in secondary fibre pulps +2003  +
Combined Use of Standard and Throat Microphones for Measurement of Acoustic Voice Parameters and Voice Categorization +2015  +
Combining Biometric Evidence for Person Authentication +2005  +
Combining Biometric Evidence for Person Authentication +2005  +
Combining biometric evidence for person authentication +2005  +
Combining image, voice, and the patient's questionnaire data to categorize laryngeal disorders +2010  +
Combining multiple matchers for fingerprint verification : A case study in biosecure network of excellence +2007  +
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