

This is a property of type String.

Pages using the property "Year"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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Method and apparatus for encoding and reading optical machine-readable data codes +2010  +
Methodology for Subject Authentification and Identification through EEG signal : equipment's and positioning artifacts +2018  +
Methods to quantify and qualify truck driver performance +2017  +
Mind the Gap! Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice in Laboratory Assignments +2007  +
Minimax approach for multi-objective controller design using multiple models +1999  +
Minimum EDF-feasible deadline calculation with low-time complexity +2004  +
Mining data with random forests : A survey and results of new tests +2011  +
Mobile Robot Planning in Dynamic Environments and on Growable Costmaps +2008  +
Mode tracking using multiple data streams +2018  +
Modeling Basic Aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems +2012  +
Modeling Basic Aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems, Part II +2013  +
Modeling Basic Aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems, Part II (Extended Abstract) +2014  +
Modeling Electromechanical Aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems +2016  +
Modeling for Vehicle Fleet Remote Diagnostics +2007  +
Modeling of a Large Structured Environment : With a Repetitive Canonical Geometric-Semantic Model +2014  +
Modeling of a Large Structured Environment With a Repetitive Canonical Geometric-Semantic Model +2014  +
Modelling and Control of the Web-Fed Offset Newspaper Printing Press +2003  +
Modelling for Vehicle Fleet Remote Diagnostics +2007  +
Models of self-financing hedging strategies in illiquid markets : Symmetry reductions and exact solutions +2011  +
Modular Neural Network and Classical Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robot Navigation : Inhibiting Undesirable Behaviors +2006  +
Modular, scriptable and automated analysis tools for high-throughput peptide mass fingerprinting +2004  +
Monitoring Human Larynx by Random Forests Using Questionnaire Data +2011  +
Monitoring equipment operation through model and event discovery +2018  +
Monitoring the de-inking process through neural network-based colour image analysis +2000  +
Motion Features from Lip Movement for Person Authentication +2006  +
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