

This is a property of type String.

Pages using the property "Year"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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A wearable gait analysis system using inertial sensors Part I: evaluation of measures of gait symmetry and normality against 3D kinematic data +2012  +
A wearable gait analysis system using inertial sensors Part II : Evaluation in a clinical setting +2012  +
A wearable gait analysis system using inertial sensors Part II: Evaluation in a clinical setting +2012  +
ANN and ICA sparse code shrinkage de-noising based defect detection in pavement tiles +2008  +
APPES Maps as Tools for Quantifying Performance of Truck Drivers +2014  +
ARC13 -- Assessment of Research and Coproduction : Reports from the assessment of all research at Halmstad University 2013 +2014  +
ARC13 : Assessment of Research and Coproduction : Reports from the assessment of all research at Halmstad University 2013 +2014  +
Active In-Database Processing to Support Ambient Assisted Living Systems +2014  +
Activity monitoring as a tool for person-centered care : preliminary report +2014  +
Activity monitoring as a tool for person-centered care: preliminary report +2014  +
Acumen : An Open-source Testbed for Cyber-Physical Systems Research +2015  +
Advanced Studies in Biometrics : Summer School on Biometrics, Alghero, Italy, June 2-6, 2003. Revised Selected Lectures and Papers +2005  +
Advances in computational intelligence-based print quality assessment and control in offset colour printing +2011  +
Advances in laryngeal imaging +2009  +
Affective Ambient Intelligence : from Domotics to Ambient Intelligence +2018  +
Affective recognition from EEG signals : an integrated data-mining approach +2019  +
Agreeing to disagree : active learning with noisy labels without crowdsourcing +2017  +
Algorithms for Visual Odometry in Outdoor Field Environment +2007  +
Algorithms for ion current based sensing of combustion variability and pressure peak position +2003  +
Almost Linear Biobasis Function Neural Networks +2007  +
Ambient Assisted Living for Improvement of Health and Quality of Life—A Special Issue of the Journal of Informatics +2018  +
Ambient Intelligence and Robotics : complementing one another to support Ambient Assisted Living +2014  +
An Architecture for Resource Bounded Agents +2007  +
An Autonomous Control System for a Prosthetic Foot Ankle +2006  +
An Autonomous Robotic System for Load Transportation +2009  +
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