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Publications:Consensus self-organized models for fault detection (COSMO)
Abstract <p>Methods for equipment monitoring <p>Methods for equipment monitoring are traditionally constructed from specific sensors and/or knowledge collected prior to implementation on the equipment. A different approach is presented here that builds up knowledge over time by exploratory search among the signals available on the internal field-bus system and comparing the observed signal relationships among a group of equipment that perform similar tasks. The approach is developed for the purpose of increasing vehicle uptime, and is therefore demonstrated in the case of a city bus and a heavy duty truck. However, it also works fine for smaller mechatronic systems like computer hard-drives. The approach builds on an onboard self-organized search for models that capture relations among signal values on the vehicles’ data buses, combined with a limited bandwidth telematics gateway and an off-line server application where the parameters of the self-organized models are compared. The presented approach represents a new look at error detection in commercial mechatronic systems, where the normal behavior of a system is actually found under real operating conditions, rather than the behavior observed in a number of laboratory tests or test-drives prior to production of the system. The approach has potential to be the basis for a self-discovering system for general purpose fault detection and diagnostics.</p>fault detection and diagnostics.</p>
Author Stefan Byttner + , Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson + , Magnus Svensson +
DOI  +
EndPage 839  +
Issue 5  +
Journal Engineering applications of artificial intelligence  +
PublicationType Journal Paper  +
Publisher Pergamon Press  +
StartPage 833  +
Title Consensus self-organized models for fault detection (COSMO)  +
Volume 24  +
Year 2011  +
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Publications:Consensus self-organized models for fault detection (COSMO) + , Publications:Consensus self-organized models for fault detection (COSMO) + , Publications:Consensus self-organized models for fault detection (COSMO) + , Publications:Consensus self-organized models for fault detection (COSMO) + , Publications:Consensus self-organized models for fault detection (COSMO) + , Publications:Consensus self-organized models for fault detection (COSMO) + , Publications:Consensus self-organized models for fault detection (COSMO) + , Publications:Consensus self-organized models for fault detection (COSMO) + , Publications:Consensus self-organized models for fault detection (COSMO) + , Publications:Consensus self-organized models for fault detection (COSMO) +
Categories Publication  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 30 September 2016 20:41:16  +
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