Stefan Karlsson/PersonalPage/Education/CV
Calibration Stuff
lecture notes camera calibration with regular pinhole camera model parameters.
example hand calculation of camera projection with homogenous coordinates in flat world (2D world, with 1D camera)
matlab code for calculating the camera parameters (in calibration.m)
[U,S,V]=svd(B); m= V(:,12);
Epipolar geometry Stuff
Updated easier lab to save time in epipolar geometry lab
Code for making Q:
ons=ones(NPOINTS,1); q1=[prhat(:,1) prhat(:,1) prhat(:,1) prhat(:,2) prhat(:,2) prhat(:,2) ons ons ons]; q2=[plhat(:,1) plhat(:,2) ons plhat(:,1) plhat(:,2) ons plhat(:,1) plhat(:,2) ons]; Q=q1.*q2;
some good points:
pl =[ 209.5579 246.8471 1.0000 275.4091 276.9959 1.0000 252.4008 223.8388 1.0000 315.0785 264.3017 1.0000 461.8554 182.5826 1.0000 457.8884 302.3843 1.0000 531.6736 168.3017 1.0000 544.3678 221.4587 1.0000 513.4256 249.2273 1.0000 586.4174 68.3347 1.0000 272.2355 52.4669 1.0000 257.1612 51.6736 1.0000 54.8471 75.4752 1.0000 64.3678 499.9380 1.0000 245.2603 380.1364 1.0000 ];
pr =[ 231.7727 276.9959 1.0000 288.8967 315.0785 1.0000 296.0372 254.7810 1.0000 350.7810 304.7645 1.0000 476.1364 222.2521 1.0000 471.3760 354.7479 1.0000 567.3760 208.7645 1.0000 577.6901 266.6818 1.0000 534.8471 296.0372 1.0000 736.3678 92.9298 1.0000 427.7397 66.7479 1.0000 411.8719 65.9545 1.0000 126.2521 89.7562 1.0000 134.1860 532.4669 1.0000 215.1116 422.9793 1.0000 ];