

This is a property of type String.

Pages using the property "Year"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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Data Profile : Regional healthcare information platform in Halland, Sweden, a dedicated environment for healthcare research +2019  +
Data analytics for weak spot detection in power distribution grids +2019  +
Data dependent random forest applied to screening for laryngeal disorders through analysis of sustained phonation : Acoustic versus contact microphone +2015  +
Data resource profile : Regional healthcare information platform in Halland, Sweden, a dedicated environment for healthcare research +2019  +
Data-Driven Methods for Reliability Evaluation of Power Cables in Smart Distribution Grids +2017  +
Data-driven methods for classification of driving styles in buses +2012  +
Declarative Knowledge-Based Reconfiguration of Automation Systems Using a Blackboard Architecture +2011  +
Deduction and Exploratory Assessment of Partial Plans +2005  +
Dense frequency maps by Structure Tensor and logarithmic scale space : application to forensic fingerprints +2015  +
Design and Development of a Hexacopter for the Search and Rescue of a Lost Drone +2019  +
Design for an Art Therapy Robot : An Explorative Review of the Theoretical Foundations for Engaging in Emotional and Creative Painting with a Robot +2018  +
Designing a Relational Database for Long-Term Visual Mapping +2015  +
Detecting Gait Events from Outdoor Accelerometer Data for Long-term and Continuous Monitoring Applications +2014  +
Detecting Halftone Dots for Offset Print Quality Assessment Using Soft Computing +2010  +
Detecting P. minimum cells in phytoplankton images +2011  +
Detecting Parkinson's disease from sustained phonation and speech signals +2017  +
Detecting and exploring deviating behaviour of people in their own homes +2014  +
Detecting and exploring deviating behaviour of smart home residents +2016  +
Detecting and measuring rings in banknote images +2005  +
Detection of Deviation in Performance of Battery Cells by Data Compression and Similarity Analysis +2014  +
Detection of spots in 2-d electrophoresis gels by symmetry features +2005  +
Developing A First Course on Cyber-Physical Systems +2014  +
Developing a Motion Language: Gait Analysis from Accelerometer Sensor Systems +2009  +
Developing a first course on cyber-physical systems +2016  +
Deviation Detection by Self-Organized On-Line Models Simulated on a Feed-Back Controlled DC-Motor +2009  +
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