Mapping SFO mitigation/Linearization algorithms, trade-off between memory and computation on GPU
Title | Mapping SFO mitigation/Linearization algorithms, trade-off between memory and computation on GPU |
Summary | investigating the parallelisation and mapping of Sampling Frequency Offset algorithms |
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TimeFrame | Fall 2024 |
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Supervisor | Hazem Ali (HH), Håkan Johansson (LiU) |
Level | Master |
Status | Open |
Mapping and mitigating sampling frequency offset (SFO) or linearizing frequency-related errors are critical in many digital communication systems. Sampling frequency offset occurs when there is a mismatch between the sampling frequencies of the transmitter and receiver, which can cause various issues like inter-symbol interference (ISI), phase distortion, and performance degradation. We investigate Mapping and parallelisation strategies for these algorithms to study the tradeoff between memory and computation on GPUs. This work is a part of the ELLIIT project "Baseband Processing for Beyond 5G Wireless".