Mapping SFO mitigation/Linearization algorithms, trade-off between memory and computation on GPU

Title Mapping SFO mitigation/Linearization algorithms, trade-off between memory and computation on GPU
Summary investigating the parallelisation and mapping of Sampling Frequency Offset algorithms
TimeFrame Fall 2024
Supervisor Hazem Ali (HH), Håkan Johansson (LiU)
Level Master
Status Open

Mapping and mitigating sampling frequency offset (SFO) or linearizing frequency-related errors are critical in many digital communication systems. Sampling frequency offset occurs when there is a mismatch between the sampling frequencies of the transmitter and receiver, which can cause various issues like inter-symbol interference (ISI), phase distortion, and performance degradation. We investigate Mapping and parallelisation strategies for these algorithms to study the tradeoff between memory and computation on GPUs. This work is a part of the ELLIIT project "Baseband Processing for Beyond 5G Wireless".