Publications:A Real-Time AdaBoost Cascade Face Tracker Based on Likelihood Map and Optical Flow


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Title A Real-Time AdaBoost Cascade Face Tracker Based on Likelihood Map and Optical Flow
Author Andreas Ranftl and Fernando Alonso-Fernandez and Stefan Karlsson and Josef Bigun
Year 2017
PublicationType Journal Paper
Journal IET Biometrics
Diva url
Abstract We present a novel face tracking approach where optical flow information is incorporated into a modified version of the Viola-Jones detection algorithm. In the original algorithm, detection is static, as information from previous frames is not considered; in addition, candidate windows have to pass all stages of the classification cascade, otherwise they are discarded as containing no face. In contrast, the proposed tracker preserves information about the number of classification stages passed by each window. Such information is used to build a likelihood map, which represents the probability of having a face located at that position. Tracking capabilities are provided by extrapolating the position of the likelihood map to the next frame by optical flow computation. The proposed algorithm works in real time on a standard laptop. The system is verified on the Boston Head Tracking Database, showing that the proposed algorithm outperforms the standard Viola-Jones detector in terms of detection rate and stability of the output bounding box, as well as including the capability to deal with occlusions. We also evaluate two recently published face detectors based on Convolutional Networks and Deformable Part Models, with our algorithm showing a comparable accuracy at a fraction of the computation time.