Publications:Activity monitoring as a tool for person-centered care : preliminary report


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Title Activity monitoring as a tool for person-centered care : preliminary report
Author Anita Sant'Anna
Year 2014
PublicationType Conference Paper
HostPublication 2014 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)
Conference 2014 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, Belfast, United Kingdom, 2-5 November, 2014
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Abstract The Person-Centered Care (PCC) paradigm advocates that instead of being the passive target of a medical intervention, patients should play an active part in their care and in the decision-making process, together with clinicians. Although new mobile and wearable technologies have created a new wave of personalized health-related applications, it is still unclear how these technologies can be used in health care institutions in order to support person-centered care. In order to investigate this matter, we undertook a pilot study aimed at determining if and how activity monitoring can support person-centered care routines for patients undergoing total hip replacement surgery. This is a preliminary report describing the methodology, preliminary results, and some practical challenges. We present here an orientation-invariant, accelerometer-based activity monitoring method, especially designed to address the requirements of monitoring in-patients in a real clinical setting. We also present and discuss some practical issues related to complying with hospital requirements and collaborating with hospital staff.