Publications:Design and Development of a Hexacopter for the Search and Rescue of a Lost Drone


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Title Design and Development of a Hexacopter for the Search and Rescue of a Lost Drone
Author Jennifer David and Wojciech Mostowski and Maytheewat Aramrattna and Yuantao Fan and Mahsa Varshosaz and Patrick Karlsson and Marcus Roden and Anders Bogga and Jakob Carlsen and Emil Johansson and Emil Andersson
Year 2019
PublicationType Conference Paper
Conference IROS 2019 - Workshop on Challenges in Vision-based Drones Navigation, Macau, China, November 8, 2019
Diva url
Abstract Search and rescue with an autonomous robot is an attractive and challenging task within the research community. This paper presents the development of an autonomous hexacopter that is designed for retrieving a lost object, like a drone, from a vast-open space, like a desert area. Navigating its path with a proposed coverage path planning strategy, the hexacopter can efficiently search for a lost target and locate it using an image-based object detection algorithm. Moreover, after the target is located, our hexacopter can grasp it with a customised gripper and transport it back to a destined location. It is also capable of avoiding static obstacles and dynamic objects. The proposed system was realised in simulations before implementing it in a real hardware setup, i.e. assembly of the drone, crafting of the gripper, software implementation and testing under real-world scenarios. The designed hexacopter won the best UAV design award at the CPS-VO 2018 Competition held in Arizona, USA.