Publications:Evaluation of Extensibility, Portability and Scalability in a Database-centric System Architecture for Smart Home Environments


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Title Evaluation of Extensibility, Portability and Scalability in a Database-centric System Architecture for Smart Home Environments
Author Wagner Ourique de Morais and Nicholas Wickström
Year 2015
PublicationType Report
Diva url
Abstract Advances in database technology allow modern database systems to serve as a platform for the development, deployment and management of smart home environments and ambient assisted living systems. This work investigates non-functional issues of a database-centric system architecture for smart home environments when: (i) extending the system with new functionalities other than data storage, such as on-line reactive behaviors and advanced processing of longitudinal information, (ii) porting the whole system to different operating systems on distinct hardware platforms, and (iii) scaling the system by incrementally adding new instances of a given functionality. The outcome of the evaluation is demonstrated, and analyzed, for three test functionalities on three heterogeneous computing platforms. As a contribution, this work can help developers in identifying which architectural components in the database-centric system architecture that may become performance bottlenecks when extending, porting and scaling the system.