Estimating Architectural Properties of Buildings Based on Heating Data

Revision as of 21:17, 9 September 2019 by Slawek (Talk | contribs)

Title Estimating Architectural Properties of Buildings Based on Heating Data
Summary Heat pump operation is heavily dependent on the specifics of the installation, and understanding this relation is important for improving reliability and energy efficiency
TimeFrame Fall 2019
Supervisor Ece Calikus, Sławomir Nowaczyk
Level Master
Status Open

Based on historical data concerning operation of district heating (and maybe heat pumps) in houses, offices, factories, stores and similar, this project aims to estimate various properties (such as size, insulation level, occupancy patterns, etc.) of the building.

Understanding the effect of other factors, such as geographical location, on the operation is also of interest.

An important aspect of the project will be to find similarities and differences between different installations, based on the time-series data describing their operation.

The work will be based on data provided by HEM & Öresundskraft companies, within SeMI project.