Embedding DNN models on mobile robots for object detection

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Title Embedding DNN models on mobile robots for object detection
Summary The idea in this project is to employ transfer learning methods to teach a mobile robot to detect a handful of everyday objects in the real-world environment, and investigate the challenges and difficulties that are faced to this end
Keywords Mobile robots, Transfer Learning, Object Detection
References • Pan, Sinno Jialin, and Qiang Yang. "A survey on transfer learning." IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering 22.10 (2009): 1345-1359.

• Yosinski, Jason, et al. "How transferable are features in deep neural networks?." Advances in neural information processing systems. 2014.

Prerequisites Machine Learning
Supervisor Mahmoud Rahat
Status Open

The idea in this project is to employ transfer learning methods to teach a mobile robot to detect a handful of everyday objects in the real-world environment and investigate the challenges and difficulties that are faced to this end. One to say is the hardware/software limitation on mobile robots.