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Title CACC
Summary Traffic situation estimator for adaptive cruise control (ACC)
Supervisor Tony Larsson, Stefan Byttner, Cristofer Englund
Level Master
Status Open

Vehicle driving can be made safer, more comfortable and energy efficient by help of speed adaptation to the traffic situation in a vehicles current neighborhood. The horizon for speed adaption can be increased by exchange of cooperative awareness messages (CAMs), in its turn enabling cooperative ACC (CACC). The CAMs to be exchanged are to a large extent based on GPS information fused with video and accelerometer data.

Propose and evaluate a method for how to gather traffic situation information observed in a vehicle’s local traffic neighborhood by using the GPS, video camera and accelerometer in a smartphone and use gathered and analyzed information as guidance to adapt a vehicle’s cruising speed via an advice interface (for example based on voice or graphical messages).

Research Questions: 1) How implement such a method based on the use of 1-2 smartphones equipped with GPS, accelerometers and video cameras (unless onboard cameras and GPS sensors can be accessed via CAN bus interface). 2) How tune the speed adaption advice (or control) to driver desired safety, comfort and energy saving demands.

A prototype need to be made using smartphones and thus some experience and/or strong interest in programming in Android or Apple IOS environment is required. Processing for analysis purposes may be done in MATLAB but an implementation must do the calculations in real-time.

Expected results are: 1) An implementation description in terms of architecture, algorithms and data structures proposed and used. 2) Definition of speed control behavior expressed as a set of goals. 3) Analysis of how well the prototype behaves relative to the goals.