StartPage 247
A list of all pages that have property "StartPage" with value "247".
Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.
- Publications:Neural networks based colour measuring for process monitoring and control in multicoloured newspaper printing + (227)
- Publications:Towards relation discovery for diagnostics + (23)
- Publications:Non-intrusive liveness detection by face images + (233)
- Publications:Learning to evaluate conditional partial plans + (235)
- Publications:Towards understanding district heating substation behavior using robust first difference regression + (236)
- Publications:Increasing the discrimination power of the co-occurrence matrix-based features + (2367)
- Publications:Assessment of Gait Symmetry and Gait Normality Using Inertial Sensors : In-Lab and In-Situ Evaluation + (239)
- Publications:Self-organizing maps for automatic fault detection in a vehicle cooling system + (24-8)
- Publications:Safety standard for mobile robots : a proposal for 3D sensors + (245)
- Publications:Environment Simulation for the Promotion of the Open Data Initiative + (246)
- Publications:Support vector features and the role of dimensionality in face authentication + (249)
- Publications:Affective Ambient Intelligence : from Domotics to Ambient Intelligence + (25)
- Publications:A "Smart Bedroom" as an Active Database System + (250)
- Publications:A vision based row-following system for agricultural field machinery + (251)
- Publications:Multiple feature sets based categorization of laryngeal images + (257)
- Publications:Enhancing decision-level fusion through cluster-based partitioning of feature set + (259)
- Publications:A Serial-Parallel Panoramic Filter Bank as a Model of Frequency Decomposition of Complex Sounds in the Human Inner Ear + (259)
- Publications:Automated methods for improved protein identification by peptide mass fingerprinting + (2594)
- Publications:A Database-Centric Architecture for Home-Based Health Monitoring + (26)
- Publications:Evolving Committees of Support Vector Machines + (263)