Cargo ANTs

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Cargo Handling by Automated Next Generation Transportation Systems for Ports and Terminals.

Cargo ANTs
Project start:
1 September 2013
Project end:
31 August 2016
More info (PDF):
Roland Philippsen
Application Area:
Intelligent Vehicles

Involved internal personnel
Involved external personnel
Involved partners


The EC-funded Cargo-ANTs project involves five partners from three countries, to create smart Automated Guided Vehicles and Highly Automated Trucks than can cooperate in shared workspaces for efficient and safe freight transportation in main ports and freight terminals.


The Cargo-ANTs project aims to create smart Automated Guided Vehicles and Highly Automated Trucks that can co-operate in shared workspaces for efficient and safe freight transportation in main ports and freight terminals. The emphasis of the project is on

  • increased performance and throughput
  • high levels of safety
  • development of automated shared workyards
  • planning, decision, control, and safety for AGVs
  • environment perception and grid-independent positioning

Key Figures

Cargo-ANTs is a 3-year project beginning in September 2013. It has a total budget of 4.7M EUR. The European Commission contributes 3M EUR, of which 314k EUR go to the Center for Applied and Intelligent Systems Research at Halmstad University.

Project Partners

  • TNO, Netherlands
  • Volvo Technology, Sweden
  • ICT Automatisering Nederland
  • CSIC, Spain
  • Halmstad University, Sweden

Research Questions

Which combination of positioning techniques and sensors allow for reliable and accurate positioning for the proposed applications? How can reliable environmental perception be achieved, in particular moving and stationary object detection, drivable path detection, docking point detection, absolute and relative object positioning? How to set up and integrate a vehicle control system, including high-level site planning, path planning, interaction planning, and feedback control? How can functional safety of automated vehicles be achieved?

Our Contributions

  • multi- and single-vehicle path planning
  • interaction planning and adaptation