Project opportunities at Toyota

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Title Project opportunities at Toyota
Summary Each year there are several project opportunities at Toyota
TimeFrame Fall 2024
Supervisor TBD
Level Master
Status Open

Toyota often offers several thesis topics for students.

Two examples can be found here:
Master Thesis Machine Learning/IoT: Unsupervised driver behavior classification using Machine Learning
Master Thesis Machine Learning/IoT: Unsupervised activity recognition using Machine Learning

If you find one that is interesting to you, please get in touch with the contact person mentioned there. Since Toyota manages those opportunities, they make the final decision on who is selected for any given thesis. From the University side, we will support you throughout the process, but we cannot make any guarantees or influence the selection in any way.

In addition, as with all industry-driven projects, you will also need to find a suitable supervisor here at the University. Based on the topics presented here, you should be able to identify some people with related interests; feel free to contact them directly. If you have trouble finding the right supervisor, contact Slawomir, and he will try to help you.