Publications:A New Two-Degree-of-Freedom Space Heating Model for Demand Response

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Title A New Two-Degree-of-Freedom Space Heating Model for Demand Response
Author Anita Sant'Anna and Robert Bass
Year 2014
PublicationType Conference Paper
HostPublication SMARTGREENS 2014 : Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems
Conference 3rd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems - SMARTGREENS 2014, Barcelona, Spain, 3-4 April, 2014
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Abstract In today’s fast changing electric utilities sector demand response (DR) programs are a relatively inexpensive means of reducing peak demand and providing ancillary services. Advancements in embedded systems and communication technologies are paving the way for more complex DR programs based on transactive control. Such complex systems highlight the importance of modeling and simulation tools for studying and evaluatingthe effects of different control strategies for DR. Considerable efforts have been directed at modeling thermostatically controlled appliances. These models however operate with only one degree of freedom, typically, the thermal mass temperature. This paper proposes a two-degree-of-freedom residential space heating systemcomposed of a thermal storage unit and forced convection system. Simulation results demonstrate that such system is better suited for maintaining thermal comfort and allows greater flexibility for DR programs. The performance of several control strategies are evaluated, as well as the effects of model and weather parameterson thermal comfort and power consumption.