Finished Projects
Description: Extending life of Vehicles within Electromobility era
Description: PRedictive Intelligent Maintenance Enabler
Description: Ocular Biometrics in Unconstrained Sensing Environments
Description: Improving MEDication Adherence through Person Centered Care and Adaptive Interventions
Description: Halland Intelligent PATient-Centered Healthcare
Description: Self-Monitoring for Innovation
Description: Big Data Analytics Framework for smart society
Description: Toyota Intelligent Data Exploration
Description: Supporting research and education
Description: Optimizing physical activity at work with personalized decision support among individuals with osteoarthritis
Description: Science without Borders is a large scale nationwide scholarship programme primarily funded by the Brazilian federal government.
Description: Hazard Estimation and Analysis of Lifelong Truck Histories
Description: Action and Intention Recognition in Human Interaction with Autonomous Systems
Description: Analytical Root-cause Identification in data Streams for detection of Emerging quality issues
Description: Situation Aware Safety Systems
Description: This project focuses on data mining methods and sensors to model human behavior in home environments and techniques to infer knowledge from such models.
Description: Intelligent environment aware of the user's mental states and able to react in order to influence these mental states, adapting the environment to help the user achieve his goals.
Description: Volvo Bus Predictive Maintenance
Description: Mining heterogeneous data from distributed sensor networks in order to support intelligent, efficient, and sustainable public utility services.
Description: Shared Human-Robot Construction of Rich Maps for Worksite Automation
Description: A movement analysis application for the Mobile Health Platform
Description: Cargo Handling by Automated Next Generation Transportation Systems for Ports and Terminals.
Description: Vehicle ICT Innovation Methodology
Description: Automatic Inventory and Mapping of Stock
Description: Vehicle diagnostics and predictive maintenance
Description: Human Motion, Categorization and Characterization
Description: Valet charging of electric vehicles
Description: Digital innovations and Self-Determined Exercise Motivation
Description: Next Generation Test Methods for Active Safety Functions
Description: Fuel FOT Energy Efficient Transport
Description: To build knowledge on how advanced technologies and business models, especially concerning environment and traffic safety, can be transferred to, and from, an emerging market context.
Description: Remote Diagnostic Tools and Services
Description: Innovation for health.
Description: Biometrics at a Distance
Description: Virtual testbed for smart micro grids
Description: Volvo Predictive Maintenance Solution
Description: Using accelerometers to evaluate quality of gait
Description: Supporting Elderly Life through Intelligent Embedded Systems
Description: Multiple Autonomous forklifts for Loading and Transportation Applications
Description: The goal is to build a tour guide robot.
Description: Non-Hit Car & Truck