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This page contains the complete CirqBuff and MBox QuickCheck models described in the paper entitled 'Modelling of Autosar Libraries for Large Scale Testing' by [[Wojciech Mostowski]], Thomas Arts, and John Hughes. The complete paper archive can be downloaded here, below the complete model quote.
This page contains the complete CirqBuff and MBox [http://www.quviq.com/quickcheck-2/ QuickCheck] models described in the paper entitled ''Modelling of Autosar Libraries for Large Scale Testing'' by [[Wojciech Mostowski]], Thomas Arts, and John Hughes. The complete model archive can be  
[[media:cirqbuff_mbox_qc_model.zip|downloaded here]], below the complete model quote. The C source files referenced by the model are available on request, please contact [mailto:wojciech.mostowski@hh.se Wojciech Mostowski].
=== source_path.hrl ===
-define(AUTOSAR_SRC, ".").
=== qc_cb.hrl ===
-record(cb_state, {ptr, size, elements, data_size}).
=== qc_cb_setup.erl ===
-export([ setup/0 ]).
setup() -> eqc_c:start(cb,
  [ {cppflags, "-std=c99 -I " ++ ?AUTOSAR_SRC ++ "/include"},
    {c_src, ?AUTOSAR_SRC ++ "/src/cirq_buffer.c"} ]).
=== qc_cb.erl ===
-include_lib("cb.hrl"). % Auto-generated
initial_state() -> #cb_state{ elements=[] }.
invariant(S) -> length(S#cb_state.elements) =< S#cb_state.size.
postcondition_common(_S, {call, _, create, _, _ }, _Res) -> true;
postcondition_common(S, Call, Res) -> eq(Res, return_value(S, Call)).
create(Size, DataSize) -> cb:'CirqBuffDynCreate'(Size, DataSize).
create_args(_S) -> [nat(), nat()].
create_pre(S, [Size, _DataSize]) -> S#cb_state.ptr == undefined andalso Size > 0.
create_next(S, R, [Size, DataSize]) ->
  S#cb_state{ptr=R, size=Size, data_size = DataSize }.
create_callers() -> [qc_mbox].
create_return(_S, [Size, DataSize]) ->
  #'CirqBufferType' { maxCnt = Size, currCnt = 0, dataSize = DataSize,
    head = 'NULL', tail = 'NULL', bufStart = 'NULL', bufEnd = 'NULL' }.
push(Ptr, Val) ->  DataPtr = eqc_c:create_array(unsigned_char, Val),
  CallRes = cb:'CirqBuffPush'(Ptr, DataPtr), eqc_c:free(DataPtr), CallRes.
push_args(S) -> [S#cb_state.ptr, vector(S#cb_state.data_size, char())].
push_pre(S) ->
  S#cb_state.ptr /= undefined andalso length(S#cb_state.elements) < S#cb_state.size.
push_next(S, _R, [_Ptr, Value]) ->
  S#cb_state{elements = S#cb_state.elements ++ [Value]}.
push_return(S, _Args) -> % 0.
  if length(S#cb_state.elements) < 128 -> 0; true -> 1 end.
push_callers() -> [qc_mbox].
pop(Ptr, DataSize) ->
  DataPtr = eqc_c:create_array(unsigned_char, [0 || _E <- lists:seq(1, DataSize)]),
  CallRes = cb:'CirqBuffPop'(Ptr, DataPtr),
  DataRes = eqc_c:read_array(DataPtr, DataSize),
  eqc_c:free(DataPtr), {DataRes, CallRes}.
pop_args(S) -> [S#cb_state.ptr, S#cb_state.data_size].
pop_pre(S) ->
  S#cb_state.ptr /= undefined andalso length(S#cb_state.elements) > 0.
pop_next(S, _R, _Args) -> S#cb_state{elements = tl(S#cb_state.elements)}.
pop_return(S, _Args) -> {hd(S#cb_state.elements), 0}.
pop_callers() -> [qc_mbox].
prop_cb_length() -> ?SETUP(fun() -> qc_cb_setup:setup(), fun() -> ok end end,
  ?FORALL(Cmds, commands(?MODULE),
  begin {H, S, Res} = run_commands(Cmds),
        pretty_commands(?MODULE, Cmds, {H, S, Res}, Res == ok))) end)).
prop_cb() -> ?SETUP(fun() -> qc_cb_setup:setup(), fun() -> ok end end,
  ?FORALL(Cmds, commands(?MODULE),
  begin {_, _, Res} = run_commands(Cmds), Res == ok end)).
=== qc_mbox.hrl ===
-record(mbox_state, {ptr, size, elements, cb_state}).
=== qc_mbox_capi.erl ===
api_spec() -> #api_spec {
  language = c, mocking = eqc_mocking_c,
  modules  = [ #api_module{ name = mbox, functions = [
    #api_fun_c{ name = 'CirqBuffDynCreate', ret = 'CirqBufferType *',
                args = [ #api_arg_c{type = size_t, name = size, dir = in},
                        #api_arg_c{type = size_t, name = dataSize, dir = in} ],
                classify = {qc_cb, create} },
    #api_fun_c{ name = 'CirqBuffPush', ret = int,
                args = [ #api_arg_c{type = 'CirqBufferType *', name = cPtr, dir = in},
                        #api_arg_c{ type = 'void *', name = dataPtr, dir = in,
                          stored_type = 'unsigned char *',
                          buffer = {true, "cPtr->dataSize"}} ],
                classify = {qc_cb, push} },
    #api_fun_c{ name = 'CirqBuffPop',  ret = int,
                args = [ #api_arg_c{type = 'CirqBufferType *', name = cPtr, dir = in},
                        #api_arg_c{ type = 'void *', name = dataPtr, dir = out,
                          stored_type = 'unsigned char *',
                          buffer = {true, "cPtr->dataSize"}} ],
                classify = {qc_cb, pop} }]}]}.
start_mocking() -> eqc_mocking_c:start_mocking(mbox, ?MODULE:api_spec(),
  [ "Std_Types.h", "cirq_buffer.h", "mbox.h" ],
  [ ?AUTOSAR_SRC ++ "/src/mbox.c" ],
  [ {cppflags, "-std=c99 -I . -I " ++ ?AUTOSAR_SRC ++ "/include"} ]).
=== qc_mbox_setup.erl ===
=== qc_mbox.erl ===
-include("mbox.hrl"). % Auto-generated
-define(PTR_SIZE, 8). % Change resp. for test running platform (here 64 bit arch.)
initial_state() -> #mbox_state{ elements=[] }.
invariant(S) -> length(S#mbox_state.elements) =< S#mbox_state.size.
postcondition_common(_S, {call, _, create, _, _ }, _R) -> true;
postcondition_common(S, Call, Res) -> eq(Res, return_value(S, Call)).
create(Size) -> mbox:'Arc_MBoxCreate'(Size).
create_args(_S) -> [choose(1, 256)].
create_pre(S, [Size]) -> S#mbox_state.ptr == undefined andalso Size > 0.
create_next(S, R, [Size]) -> S#mbox_state{ptr=R, size=Size }.
create_callouts(_S, [Size]) ->
  ?CALLOUT(mbox, 'CirqBuffDynCreate', [Size, ?PTR_SIZE],
  #'CirqBufferType' { maxCnt = Size, currCnt = 0,
    dataSize = 8, head = 'NULL', tail = 'NULL',
    bufStart = 'NULL', bufEnd = 'NULL'}).
post(Ptr, Val) ->
  DataPtr = eqc_c:create_array(unsigned_char, Val),
  CallRes = mbox:'Arc_MBoxPost'(Ptr, DataPtr),
  eqc_c:free(DataPtr), CallRes.
post_args(S) -> [S#mbox_state.ptr, vector(?PTR_SIZE, char())].
post_pre(S) -> S#mbox_state.ptr /= undefined
  andalso length(S#mbox_state.elements) < S#mbox_state.size.
post_next(S, _R, [_Ptr, Value]) ->
  S#mbox_state{elements = S#mbox_state.elements ++ [Value]}.
post_return(_S, _Args) -> 0.
post_callouts(S, [_Ptr, Value]) ->
  ?CALLOUT(mbox, 'CirqBuffPush', [?WILDCARD, Value],
  if length(S#mbox_state.elements) < 128 -> 0; true -> 1 end).
fetch(Ptr) ->
  DataPtr = eqc_c:create_array(unsigned_char, [0 || _E <- lists:seq(1, ?PTR_SIZE)]),
  CallRes = mbox:'Arc_MBoxFetch'(Ptr, DataPtr),
  DataRes = eqc_c:read_array(DataPtr, ?PTR_SIZE),
  eqc_c:free(DataPtr), {DataRes, CallRes}.
fetch_args(S) -> [S#mbox_state.ptr].
fetch_pre(S) ->
  S#mbox_state.ptr /= undefined andalso length(S#mbox_state.elements) > 0.
fetch_next(S, _R, [_Ptr]) -> S#mbox_state{elements = tl(S#mbox_state.elements)}.
fetch_return(S, [_Ptr]) -> {hd(S#mbox_state.elements), 0}.
fetch_callouts(S, [_Ptr]) ->
  ?CALLOUT(mbox, 'CirqBuffPop', [?WILDCARD], { hd(S#mbox_state.elements), 0}).
weight(#mbox_state{ptr = undefined}, Op) -> case Op of create -> 1; _ -> 0 end;
weight(_S, create) -> 0; weight(_S, post) -> 5; weight(_S, fetch) -> 1.
prop_mbox() ->
  ?SETUP(fun() -> qc_mbox:start_mocking(), fun() -> ok end end,
  ?FORALL(Cmds, more_commands(50, commands(?MODULE)),
  begin {H, S, Res} = run_commands(Cmds),
      pretty_commands(?MODULE, Cmds, {H, S, Res}, Res == ok)) end)).
=== qc_cluster.erl ===
components() -> [qc_cb, qc_mbox].
api_spec() -> eqc_cluster:api_spec(?MODULE).
setup_mocking() ->
  eqc_mocking_c:start_mocking(mbox, api_spec(),
    [ "cirq_buffer.h", "mbox.h" ],
    [ ?AUTOSAR_SRC ++ "/src/mbox.c", ?AUTOSAR_SRC ++ "/src/cirq_buffer.c" ],
    [ {cppflags, "-std=c99 -I " ++ ?AUTOSAR_SRC ++ "/include"} ],
property_mbox_cluster() ->
  ?SETUP(fun() -> setup_mocking(), fun() -> ok end end,
  ?FORALL(Cmds, commands(?MODULE),
    begin {H, S, Res} = run_commands(Cmds),
        pretty_commands(?MODULE, Cmds, {H, S, Res}, Res == ok)) end )).

Latest revision as of 18:14, 27 December 2016

This page contains the complete CirqBuff and MBox QuickCheck models described in the paper entitled Modelling of Autosar Libraries for Large Scale Testing by Wojciech Mostowski, Thomas Arts, and John Hughes. The complete model archive can be downloaded here, below the complete model quote. The C source files referenced by the model are available on request, please contact Wojciech Mostowski.


-define(AUTOSAR_SRC, ".").


-record(cb_state, {ptr, size, elements, data_size}).


-export([ setup/0 ]).


setup() -> eqc_c:start(cb,
  [ {cppflags, "-std=c99 -I " ++ ?AUTOSAR_SRC ++ "/include"},
    {c_src, ?AUTOSAR_SRC ++ "/src/cirq_buffer.c"} ]).



-include_lib("cb.hrl"). % Auto-generated

initial_state() -> #cb_state{ elements=[] }.

invariant(S) -> length(S#cb_state.elements) =< S#cb_state.size.

postcondition_common(_S, {call, _, create, _, _ }, _Res) -> true;
postcondition_common(S, Call, Res) -> eq(Res, return_value(S, Call)).

create(Size, DataSize) -> cb:'CirqBuffDynCreate'(Size, DataSize).
create_args(_S) -> [nat(), nat()].
create_pre(S, [Size, _DataSize]) -> S#cb_state.ptr == undefined andalso Size > 0.
create_next(S, R, [Size, DataSize]) ->
  S#cb_state{ptr=R, size=Size, data_size = DataSize }.
create_callers() -> [qc_mbox].
create_return(_S, [Size, DataSize]) ->
  #'CirqBufferType' { maxCnt = Size, currCnt = 0, dataSize = DataSize,
    head = 'NULL', tail = 'NULL', bufStart = 'NULL', bufEnd = 'NULL' }.

push(Ptr, Val) ->  DataPtr = eqc_c:create_array(unsigned_char, Val),
  CallRes = cb:'CirqBuffPush'(Ptr, DataPtr), eqc_c:free(DataPtr), CallRes.
push_args(S) -> [S#cb_state.ptr, vector(S#cb_state.data_size, char())].
push_pre(S) ->
  S#cb_state.ptr /= undefined andalso length(S#cb_state.elements) < S#cb_state.size.
push_next(S, _R, [_Ptr, Value]) ->
  S#cb_state{elements = S#cb_state.elements ++ [Value]}.
push_return(S, _Args) -> % 0.
  if length(S#cb_state.elements) < 128 -> 0; true -> 1 end.
push_callers() -> [qc_mbox].

pop(Ptr, DataSize) -> 
  DataPtr = eqc_c:create_array(unsigned_char, [0 || _E <- lists:seq(1, DataSize)]),
  CallRes = cb:'CirqBuffPop'(Ptr, DataPtr),
  DataRes = eqc_c:read_array(DataPtr, DataSize),
  eqc_c:free(DataPtr), {DataRes, CallRes}.
pop_args(S) -> [S#cb_state.ptr, S#cb_state.data_size].
pop_pre(S) ->
   S#cb_state.ptr /= undefined andalso length(S#cb_state.elements) > 0.
pop_next(S, _R, _Args) -> S#cb_state{elements = tl(S#cb_state.elements)}.
pop_return(S, _Args) -> {hd(S#cb_state.elements), 0}. 
pop_callers() -> [qc_mbox].

prop_cb_length() -> ?SETUP(fun() -> qc_cb_setup:setup(), fun() -> ok end end,
  ?FORALL(Cmds, commands(?MODULE),
  begin {H, S, Res} = run_commands(Cmds),
        pretty_commands(?MODULE, Cmds, {H, S, Res}, Res == ok))) end)).

prop_cb() -> ?SETUP(fun() -> qc_cb_setup:setup(), fun() -> ok end end,
  ?FORALL(Cmds, commands(?MODULE),
  begin {_, _, Res} = run_commands(Cmds), Res == ok end)).


-record(mbox_state, {ptr, size, elements, cb_state}).



api_spec() -> #api_spec {
  language = c, mocking = eqc_mocking_c,
  modules  = [ #api_module{ name = mbox, functions = [
    #api_fun_c{ name = 'CirqBuffDynCreate', ret = 'CirqBufferType *',
                args = [ #api_arg_c{type = size_t, name = size, dir = in},
                         #api_arg_c{type = size_t, name = dataSize, dir = in} ],
                classify = {qc_cb, create} },
    #api_fun_c{ name = 'CirqBuffPush', ret = int,
                args = [ #api_arg_c{type = 'CirqBufferType *', name = cPtr, dir = in},
                         #api_arg_c{ type = 'void *', name = dataPtr, dir = in,
                           stored_type = 'unsigned char *',
                           buffer = {true, "cPtr->dataSize"}} ],
                classify = {qc_cb, push} },
    #api_fun_c{ name = 'CirqBuffPop',  ret = int,
                args = [ #api_arg_c{type = 'CirqBufferType *', name = cPtr, dir = in},
                         #api_arg_c{ type = 'void *', name = dataPtr, dir = out,
                           stored_type = 'unsigned char *',
                           buffer = {true, "cPtr->dataSize"}} ],
                classify = {qc_cb, pop} }]}]}.

start_mocking() -> eqc_mocking_c:start_mocking(mbox, ?MODULE:api_spec(),
  [ "Std_Types.h", "cirq_buffer.h", "mbox.h" ],
  [ ?AUTOSAR_SRC ++ "/src/mbox.c" ],
  [ {cppflags, "-std=c99 -I . -I " ++ ?AUTOSAR_SRC ++ "/include"} ]).









-include("mbox.hrl"). % Auto-generated

-define(PTR_SIZE, 8). % Change resp. for test running platform (here 64 bit arch.)

initial_state() -> #mbox_state{ elements=[] }.

invariant(S) -> length(S#mbox_state.elements) =< S#mbox_state.size.

postcondition_common(_S, {call, _, create, _, _ }, _R) -> true;
postcondition_common(S, Call, Res) -> eq(Res, return_value(S, Call)).

create(Size) -> mbox:'Arc_MBoxCreate'(Size).
create_args(_S) -> [choose(1, 256)].
create_pre(S, [Size]) -> S#mbox_state.ptr == undefined andalso Size > 0.
create_next(S, R, [Size]) -> S#mbox_state{ptr=R, size=Size }.
create_callouts(_S, [Size]) -> 
  ?CALLOUT(mbox, 'CirqBuffDynCreate', [Size, ?PTR_SIZE], 
  #'CirqBufferType' { maxCnt = Size, currCnt = 0,
    dataSize = 8, head = 'NULL', tail = 'NULL',
    bufStart = 'NULL', bufEnd = 'NULL'}).

post(Ptr, Val) -> 
  DataPtr = eqc_c:create_array(unsigned_char, Val),
  CallRes = mbox:'Arc_MBoxPost'(Ptr, DataPtr),
  eqc_c:free(DataPtr), CallRes.
post_args(S) -> [S#mbox_state.ptr, vector(?PTR_SIZE, char())].
post_pre(S) -> S#mbox_state.ptr /= undefined
  andalso length(S#mbox_state.elements) < S#mbox_state.size.
post_next(S, _R, [_Ptr, Value]) ->
  S#mbox_state{elements = S#mbox_state.elements ++ [Value]}.
post_return(_S, _Args) -> 0.
post_callouts(S, [_Ptr, Value]) ->
  ?CALLOUT(mbox, 'CirqBuffPush', [?WILDCARD, Value],
  if length(S#mbox_state.elements) < 128 -> 0; true -> 1 end).

fetch(Ptr) -> 
  DataPtr = eqc_c:create_array(unsigned_char, [0 || _E <- lists:seq(1, ?PTR_SIZE)]),
  CallRes = mbox:'Arc_MBoxFetch'(Ptr, DataPtr),
  DataRes = eqc_c:read_array(DataPtr, ?PTR_SIZE),
  eqc_c:free(DataPtr), {DataRes, CallRes}.
fetch_args(S) -> [S#mbox_state.ptr].
fetch_pre(S) -> 
  S#mbox_state.ptr /= undefined andalso length(S#mbox_state.elements) > 0.
fetch_next(S, _R, [_Ptr]) -> S#mbox_state{elements = tl(S#mbox_state.elements)}.
fetch_return(S, [_Ptr]) -> {hd(S#mbox_state.elements), 0}.
fetch_callouts(S, [_Ptr]) -> 
  ?CALLOUT(mbox, 'CirqBuffPop', [?WILDCARD], { hd(S#mbox_state.elements), 0}).

weight(#mbox_state{ptr = undefined}, Op) -> case Op of create -> 1; _ -> 0 end;
weight(_S, create) -> 0; weight(_S, post) -> 5; weight(_S, fetch) -> 1.

prop_mbox() ->
  ?SETUP(fun() -> qc_mbox:start_mocking(), fun() -> ok end end,
  ?FORALL(Cmds, more_commands(50, commands(?MODULE)),
  begin {H, S, Res} = run_commands(Cmds),
      pretty_commands(?MODULE, Cmds, {H, S, Res}, Res == ok)) end)).




components() -> [qc_cb, qc_mbox].

api_spec() -> eqc_cluster:api_spec(?MODULE).

setup_mocking() ->
  eqc_mocking_c:start_mocking(mbox, api_spec(),
    [ "cirq_buffer.h", "mbox.h" ],
    [ ?AUTOSAR_SRC ++ "/src/mbox.c", ?AUTOSAR_SRC ++ "/src/cirq_buffer.c" ],
    [ {cppflags, "-std=c99 -I " ++ ?AUTOSAR_SRC ++ "/include"} ],

property_mbox_cluster() ->
  ?SETUP(fun() -> setup_mocking(), fun() -> ok end end,
  ?FORALL(Cmds, commands(?MODULE),
    begin {H, S, Res} = run_commands(Cmds),
        pretty_commands(?MODULE, Cmds, {H, S, Res}, Res == ok)) end )).