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date of the meeting 2013/03/12
e.g. IS-lab, project name, ... islab
list of people (optional) SGS,JL,SB,SK(SId), SK, FAF, RP (Rune), AM, ASA, KN, TS, AV, SN, TR, RT, JB, TM, two master students

1. Techfest (UTEXPO for kids)

ASA: who is coming with demo (SK, SB, SK(Sid), RP?)

30-31 March

2. Election

  • March 22-25 Election to the University board,
  • no professor
  • no research person
  • Regulations are on the table

3. Course evaluation

GRUS group - group for evluation reports

4. Faculty board

there is a proposal to remove Education and Teaching boards and create one for both of them More information is coming

5. ARC13

Responsible: SB, Magnus, Eva - Creating CVs for everyone


  • IES want us to held conference
  • next to do next steps
  • there previously have been 4 image analysis conferences: 2 SSBA, ICB, SCIA

7. Competence and Innovation Node for Automotive Electronics

  • anyone interested? SK
  • deadline is very close

8. STINT application

  • internalisations
  • good international partners (strategically important)
  • different levels (not only research)
  • 1 mln SEK (+1 mln from university)
  • Walid is working with Standford
  • there is no matching demand for the other side
  • but there should be highlighted importance of the project for future
  • one project per university
  • money can be used for PhD student's salary
  • Friday lunch is deadline

9. Seminar by JB