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Pages using the property "NewsDescription"

Showing 7 pages using this property.


4th Halmstad Summer School on Testing +This year's edition of 4th Halmstad Summer School on Testing will be held from June 9 to June 12, 2014 - Halmstad University, Sweden. The school will feature 7 tutorials by world-renowned researchers in the field.


CERES Wiki Launched +Thanks to the help of many people, including our colleagues at the IS-Lab, the CERES Wiki is launched and will be publicly available as of June 1, 2013.


Position as DOCTORAL STUDENT in computer science and engineering with special focus on reliable wireless real-time communication between vehicles (IDE 3/14) +Last date for application is May 20, 2014


Third Halmstad Summer School on Testing +The Third Halmstad Summer School on Testing will be held from June 3 to June 5 and will feature several distinguished international speakers. More details to be found at .


Vacancy for a Ph.D. Student in Model-Based Testing of SPLs +There is a vacancy for a funded Ph.D. student position in Model-Based Testing for Software Product Lines. For more information, please click on the news item.
Vacancy for an Assistant Professor / Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science +The position will be fixed term 3-year position (renewed yearly with mutual consent), as an assistant professor or a (postdoctoral) researcher, depending on the qualifications and interests of the chosen candidate. The position is supposed to start on February 1, 2015. The starting time can be negotiated (within an interval of ca. 3 months) depending the availability of the candidate. The selected candidate will perform research and teaching at the Center for Research on Embedded Systems at Halmstad University. We ask the candidates to send the required material to with a CC to , mentioning "Postdoc/Assistant Prof Position AUTO-CAAS" in the subject line. Application must be received before 2014-12-30 to receive full consideration. The expected starting date is 2015-02-01, but is negotiable depending on the successful candidate's conditions.
Vacancy: Assistant Professor / Researcher Position in Computer Science +There is a vacancy for a fixed term 3-year position (renewed yearly with mutual consent), as an assistant professor or a (postdoctoral) researcher, depending on the qualifications and interests of the chosen candidate. The selected candidate will perform research and teaching at the Center for Research on Embedded Systems at Halmstad University. The teaching load for the assistant professor position will be about 20% of the time (up to 2 courses in a year). Application must be received before 2014-12-30 to receive full consideration. The expected starting date is 2015-02-01, but is negotiable depending on the successful candidate's conditions.