Publications:Verification of Multipair Copper Cable Model by Measurements

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Title Verification of Multipair Copper Cable Model by Measurements
Author T. Magesacher and P. Ödling and P.O. Börjesson and Tomas Nordström
Year 2007
PublicationType Journal Paper
Journal IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
Diva url
Abstract Analysis, assessment, and design of advanced wireline transmission schemes over multipair copper cables require accurate knowledge of the channel properties. This paper investigates modeling of multiconductor cables based on interpair impedance measurements. A unified approach to the application of the "Cioffi" model is introduced. The direct measurement approach of the underlying interpair impedances yields a good match with the alternative approach suggested in the recent study of Cioffi et al. Crosstalk coupling functions derived from the model exhibit a good match with the corresponding direct measurements in the case in which the modeled length is close to the length of the interpair impedance measurements. However, the prediction power of this model with respect to termination impedance is limited. © 2007 IEEE.