Publications:Semantics, applications, and implementation of program generation : second international workshop, SAIG 2001, Florence, Italy, September 6, 2001 00 : proceedings

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Title Semantics, applications, and implementation of program generation : second international workshop, SAIG 2001, Florence, Italy, September 6, 2001 00 : proceedings
Author Walid Taha
Year 2001
PublicationType Conference Proceedings
Diva url
Abstract This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Semantics, Applications, and Implementation of Program Generation, SAIG 2001, held in Florence, Italy in September 2001. The seven revised full papers and two position papers presented together with an invited survey paper and two abstracts of invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. Among the topics covered are generative programming, meta-programming, aspect-oriented programming, transition compression, goal-directed evaluation, partial evaluation, functional programming, meta-computation, and program optimization.