Parameterized Unit Testing Environment
Title | Parameterized Unit Testing Environment |
Summary | Parameterized Unit Testing Environment Based on JUnit |
Keywords | Unit Testing, jUnit, Parameterized Test, Symbolic Execution |
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References | N. Tillmann and W. Schulte. Parameterized unit tests. Proceedings of ESEC/FSE-13, ACM, 2005. |
Prerequisites | Java programming, unit testing, test coverage, symbolic execution. |
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Supervisor | Mohammad Mousavi |
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The idea is to implement a parameterized unit testing environment for Java (baed on jUnit), where one can specified unit tests with unspecified parameters (possibly restricted by some pre-condition predicates) and then concrete test cases are generated by instantiating the parameters in such a way that the coverage is maximized (using techniques akin to concolic testing and symbolic execution).
N. Tillmann and W. Schulte. Parameterized unit tests. Proceedings of ESEC/FSE-13, ACM, 2005.
K. Sen. Concolic testing, Proc. of ASE 2007, ACM, 2007.