Parameterized Unit Testing Environment

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Title Parameterized Unit Testing Environment
Summary Parameterized Unit Testing Environment Based on JUnit
Keywords Unit Testing, jUnit, Parameterized Test, Symbolic Execution
References N. Tillmann and W. Schulte. Parameterized unit tests. Proceedings of ESEC/FSE-13, ACM, 2005.
Prerequisites Java programming, unit testing, test coverage, symbolic execution.
Supervisor Mohammad Mousavi

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The idea is to implement a parameterized unit testing environment for Java (baed on jUnit), where one can specified unit tests with unspecified parameters (possibly restricted by some pre-condition predicates) and then concrete test cases are generated by instantiating the parameters in such a way that the coverage is maximized (using techniques akin to concolic testing and symbolic execution).


N. Tillmann and W. Schulte. Parameterized unit tests. Proceedings of ESEC/FSE-13, ACM, 2005.

K. Sen. Concolic testing, Proc. of ASE 2007, ACM, 2007.