Resilient Communication Network Architecture for Cloud Computing

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Title Resilient Communication Network Architecture for Cloud Computing
Summary Design and evaluation of characteristics of a resilient cloud system over a backbone communication network
Keywords Cloud architecture, resilient clouds, service recovery, reliability of cloud systems
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Prerequisites - general knowledge on algorithms of path computation in networks (graph algorithms) and on optimization models and techniques

- basic programming skills (one high-level programming language)"- general knowledge on algorithms of path computation in networks (graph algorithms) and on optimization models and techniques - basic programming skills (one high-level programming language)" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki.

Supervisor Magnus Jonsson, Jacek Rak (Gdansk University of Technology, Poland)
Level Master
Status Open

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The objective of this project is to design the architecture of a cloud system including localization of data centres (DCs) and communication paths from end-users to these DCs able to provide resilience of the architecture in the scenarios of failures of network links and DCs. Particular focus is on the application of redundancy mechanisms (redundant DCs, redundant virtual machines, backup paths) to obtain an architecture that can survive failures occurring in the communication network as well as at the DC level. Verification of characteristics of the designed architecture should be done via simulations conducted using a tool to be developed by a student.

For further questions, the students may contact the supervisors by e-mails available at: