Publications:Energy-saving by Low-Power Modes in ADSL2

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Title Energy-saving by Low-Power Modes in ADSL2
Author Martin Wolkerstorfer and Driton Statovci and Tomas Nordström
Year 2012
PublicationType Journal Paper
Journal Computer Networks
Diva url
Abstract The large number of broadband users and its forecast growth has recently triggered research on energy-efficiency in digital subscriber lines (DSLs). A promising technique are low-power modes (LPMs) as standardized in asymmetric DSL 2 (ADSL2) which let the DSL connection operate in downstream direction with reduced transmit rate and power. We study the problem of optimizing the LPM rate-level for energy-efficiency. A traffic-independent rate setting is proposed based on an analytical competitive framework. Also, a Markov chain based LPM model is derived which facilitates the fast numerical optimization of the LPM rate-level under realistic traffic models and system constraints. Simulation results under various traffic settings and DSL scenarios demonstrate energy savings by LPMs of around 30–40% of the ADSL2 transceiver’s power consumption. Furthermore, they provide insights on how to set the LPM rate-levels in practice for energy-efficient DSL operation.