StartPage 825
A list of all pages that have property "StartPage" with value "825".
Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.
- Publications:A configurable framework for stream programming exploration in baseband applications + (8)
- Publications:Act normal : using uncertainty about driver intentions as a warning criterion + (8)
- Publications:A linguistic approach to the analysis of accelerometerdata for gait analysis + (8)
- Publications:Cooperative systems for traffic safety : Will existing wireless access technologies meet the communications requirements? + (8)
- Publications:Impossibility results for the equational theory of timed CCS + (80)
- Publications:Concatenated systems and cross-layer design + (80)
- Publications:Static Consistency Checking for Verilog Wire Interconnects : Using Dependent Types to Check the Sanity of Verilog Descriptions + (81)
- Publications:Algebraic properties for free! + (81)
- Publications:Enhanced Wireless Sensor Network Setup Strategy Supported by Intelligent Software Agents + (813)
- Publications:Experimental Analysis of a Wireless Sensor Network Setup Strategy Provided by an Agent-Oriented Middleware + (820)
- Publications:Performance analysis of non-beaconed IEEE 802.15.4 for high-confidence wireless communications + (83)
- Publications:Towards model checking executable UML specifications in mCRL2 + (83)
- Publications:Packet combining and doping in concatenated hybrid ARQ schemes using iterative decoding + (849)
- Publications:Time-deterministic WDM star network for massively parallel computing in radar systems + (85)
- Publications:A multiple SIMD approach to radar signal processing + (852)
- Publications:Optimization of the frame structure for the IEEE 802.16 in the error-prone channel + (86)
- Publications:An active backscatter wake-up and tag identification extraction protocol for low cost and low power active RFID + (86)
- Publications:Meeting reliability and real-time demands in wireless industrial communication + (877)
- Publications:Dynamic Reconfigurable Task Schedule Support towards a Reflective Middleware for Sensor Network + (886)
- Publications:Rule Formats for Determinism and Idempotence + (889)