Evaluation of Simulation Tools for analysis of Cooperative Driving Scenarios

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Title Evaluation of Simulation Tools for analysis of Cooperative Driving Scenarios
Summary Survey over and evaluation of simulation tool(s) suitable for analysis of cooperative driving functions and scenarios, e.g. vehicle platoon merge in highway and city scenarios.
References The Platooning Extension for Veins (Plexe) >> http://plexe.car2x.org/

PreScan a physics-based simulation platform used in the automotive industry >> https://www.tassinternational.com/prescan"The Platooning Extension for Veins (Plexe) >> http://plexe.car2x.org/ PreScan a physics-based simulation platform used in the automotive industry >> https://www.tassinternational.com/prescan" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki.

Prerequisites The student(s) is preferably skilled in C++ and familiar with MATLAB. Interested in using and learning new simulation tools such as PreScan, VEINS, SUMO and OMNeT++.
Supervisor Tony Larsson, Maytheewat Aramrattana
Level Master
Status Open

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Description : Connected and automated driving scenarios are happening in near future. Connected and automated functions in vehicles need to be thoroughly test and evaluate. Simulation is one cost-efficient and safe way alternative to perform testing and evaluation. However, only a few tools are available for simulation in this context. This thesis will be aiming at providing a state-of-the-art review in this area, compare performance of existing open-source (Plexe) and commercial (PreScan) simulation tools with respect to testing and evaluation of the connected and automated functions. In particular, platooning applications.