Evaluation of efficiency of Turbo Boost concept in multicore architectures

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Title Evaluation of efficiency of Turbo Boost concept in multicore architectures
Summary Masters Thesis Project
Author Tomas Nordström, Süleyman Savaş
Supervisor Tomas Nordström, Süleyman Savaş
Level Master
Status Open

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Project description

One of the main obstacles of today’s processor technology is power consumption and on top of it there is heat dissipation. These two obstacles limit the clock frequency of the processors. In order to solve this problem in multicore architectures, Intel came up with the concept of Turbo Boost. In this concept, when there are some idle cores, their power is given to the active ones in order to increase the clock frequency dynamically. The frequency of a core is determined by core temperature, the number of active cores, the estimated power and the estimated current consumption. We believe that combining this concept with the Dark Silicon concept and applying it on different multicore architectures would give interesting and important results. However, in this project the focus will be to evaluate the Turbo Boost concept first.

The aim of the project is

  • Evaluate the Turbo Boost concept using different applications/benchmarks
  • Investigate the applicability of the Turbo Boost concept on different multicore architectures and point out the architectures which would benefit using this concept
  • To find similarities and differences between Turbo Boost and Dark Silicon concepts

The applications will be chosen by the supervisor and the student depending on the student’s knowledge base. The first architecture to be used will be an Intel processor (i5 or i7). Later, the supervisor(s) will choose different multicore architectures for the evaluation purposes.



James Charles, Preet Jassi, Ananth Narayan S, Abbas Sadat and Alexandra Fedorova, “Evaluation of the Intel® Core™ i7 Turbo Boost feature”, Workload Characterization, 2009. IISWC 2009. IEEE International Symposium on
