Investigating the effects of Dark Silicon on Network on Chip

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Title Investigating the effects of Dark Silicon on Network on Chip
Summary Masters Thesis Project
Author Tomas Nordström, Süleyman Savaş
Supervisor Tomas Nordström, Süleyman Savaş
Level Master
Status Open

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Project description

One of the main obstacles of today’s processor technology is power consumption and on top of it there is heat dissipation. In order to decrease the power consumption in multicore architectures, the idle part of the chip turns off. The turned off part of the chip becomes dark and that has given the name to the concept of Dark Silicon. The concept includes turning off the processing cores, network routers and memory banks. We want to investigate the behavior of the network on chip when some part of the chip goes dark.

The aim of the project is:

  • Investigating the routing methodology of the network on chip with different topologies when some part of the chip goes dark
  • Evaluate different network on chips when the Dark Silicon concept is applied
  • Define an optimal behavior for the network on chip to work with the Dark Silicon

Different types of network on chip (NoC) will be under investigation, hence the student should know about them. In order to be able to investigate different NoCs, an NoC simulator will be used.


Hadi E., Emily B., Renee St. A., Karthikeyan S., Doug B., “Dark Silicon and the End of Multicore Scaling”, Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA’11) Luca B., Giovanni De M., ”Networks on Chips: A New SoC Paradigm” IEEE Journal, January 2002