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Pages using the property "ThesisAuthor"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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A Peer-to-Peer Extension to the Acumen Modeling Language +Felix Eriksson  +
A Simulation Based Approach to Estimate Energy Consumption for Chip-Multiprocessor +Ke Liu  +
A many-core architecture description language +Tomas Nordström  +, Süleyman Savaş  +
A many-core virtual machine concept +Tomas Nordström  +, Süleyman Savaş  +
Acoustic bullet detection and measurement +Stefan Axelsson  +
Analysis of Coordination Methods for Vehicle Platoon Merge +-  +
Angle invariant radar reflectors for autmotive safety +Pererik Andreasson  +
Auto Generation of Embedded Controllers from High Level Specification +Yingfu  +
Automatic Testing of Systems on Chip +Ericsson  +


Booking system for charging stations for electric cars. +Richard Solti and Christoffer Lindström  +
Building a visual Truck model in CANoe +Peter Thorngren (Volvo GTT)  +


Computationally efficient radar estimation from multiple radar sensors +Johan Thunberg  +, Emil Nilsson  +
Control system for automotive radar +Pererik Andreasson  +


Design Space Exploration of Heterogeneous Manycore Architectures +Rudin Shabani and Benard Xypolitidis  +
Digital forensics investigations of IoT using electromagnetic side channels +Stefan Axelsson  +
Dynamic Unit Checking +Walid Taha  +


Evaluation of communication protocols for advanced cooperative driving applications +Jérome Detournay  +, Víctor Díez Rodríguez  +
Evaluation of efficiency of Turbo Boost concept in multicore architectures +Tomas Nordström  +, Süleyman Savaş  +
Evaluation of platoon Application Enabled by Contemporary ETSI ITS-G5 Standards +Liu Zheyuan  +


FEM simulation of bullet sensor +Stefan Axelsson  +
Forward and Reverse Simulation +Walid Taha  +


Graphical Traffic Scenario Editor +Iulian Carpatorea  +


Interactive Simulation +Walid Taha  +
Investigating the effects of Dark Silicon on Network on Chip +Tomas Nordström  +, Süleyman Savaş  +


Microfluidic Devices with Onboard Sensors for Data Collection +Ross Friel  +
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