Publications:Modeling Event-Driven Safety Messages Delivery in IEEE 802.11p/WAVE Vehicular Networks

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Title Modeling Event-Driven Safety Messages Delivery in IEEE 802.11p/WAVE Vehicular Networks
Author Claudia Campolo and Antonella Molinaro and Alexey Vinel and Yan Zhang
Year 2013
PublicationType Journal Paper
Journal IEEE Communications Letters
Diva url
Abstract A stochastic model is designed to assess the delivery performance of event-driven safety messages in IEEE 802.11p/1609.4 vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs). The study focuses on the case of a vehicle detecting an unpredictable hazard and broadcasting the alert in the one-hop neighborhood. The model aims at providing quick insights into the impact of the latest WAVE specifications (i.e., traffic differentiation, channel switching) on the delivery of such short-lived alert messages. Results prove that it is accurate in capturing the effect of relevant parameters and show that repeating the alert transmission on the control channel helps to achieve reliable delivery. © 2013 IEEE.