Publications:On the requirements on models and simulator design for integrated VANET Simulation

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Title On the requirements on models and simulator design for integrated VANET Simulation
Author Aamir Hassan and Tony Larsson
Year 2011
PublicationType Conference Paper
Conference 8th International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation (WIT 2011), 22-23 March, 2011, Hotel Hafen Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Diva url
Abstract Wireless communication can reduce risks for collision between vehicles by the exchange of kinematic data. Vehicular safety applications based on such information sharing must be tested before it is deployed in real world. For this purpose simulation is a valuable complement to expensive outdoor experiments. Analysis of VANET applications requires that both a vehicle motion and a data network simulator can be used at the same time, feeding simulation data to each other. Tools exist for this purpose but most of them have problem with their integration. This article discusses how to simulate vehicular networks influenced by micro level vehicle motion and macro level traffic flow pattern models to analyze its effect on wireless communication. We discus the shortcomings of current VANET simulators and then provide recommendations for how to perform useful VANET simulations.