Specification, Code Generation and Testing of Mobile Applications for Elderly Health

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Title Specification, Code Generation and Testing of Mobile Applications for Elderly Health
Summary The goal is to provide a common specification of a health management application for Phoniro and automatically generate code and test suites for IOS, Android, and Windows mobile platforms.
Author Mahdi Parsasirat
Supervisor Mohammad Reza Mousavi, In collaboration with Phoniro Systems AB
Level Master
Status Ongoing

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The goal is to provide a common specification of a health management application for Phoniro and automatically generate code and test suites for IOS, Android, and Windows mobile platforms.


  • Surveying the existing domain specific languages, code generation tools and testing frameworks for mobile applications,
  • Creating a high-level description of a sub-system from Phoniro,
  • Translating the high-level description to code for each of the 3 mobile platforms automatically, and
  • Generating and executing test-cases for the different platforms automatically.