Assistance-seeking strategy for a flying robot during a healthcare emergency response

Title Assistance-seeking strategy for a flying robot during a healthcare emergency response
Summary Assistance-seeking strategy for a flying robot during a healthcare emergency response
Keywords robot, healthcare, awareness, helpfulness detection
TimeFrame May-August, 2015
References [[References::Dominique Feillet, Pierre Dejax, Michel Gendreau. Traveling Salesman Problems with Profits. TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE, Vol. 39, No. 2, May 2005, pp. 188–205

‘Ambulance Drone with Integrated Defibrillator’ (October 29, 2014), [Online]Available: (2015/2/20)]]

Author Jérémy Heyne
Supervisor Anita Sant'Anna, Yuantao Fan, Martin Cooney
Level Bachelor
Status Finished

How can a flying robot detect helpful people in an emergency and approach them? Software-related: using OpenCV, ROS Deliverable: a report, a presentation, a video, code