IDE PhD Conference 2013


PhD winter conference - First Edition


PhD winter conference will provide an opportunity for PhD students to present ongoing research in a collaborative environment. Participants will be able to share their research ideas and results, and receive constructive feedback from their peers as well as senior researchers. It will also be a valuable networking opportunity.


This PhD winter conference is mandatory for all PhD students of IDE. Each student should submit a paper and give a 20 minute (including 5 min for questions) oral presentation about his or her work. Post-doctoral and senior researchers will attend and give feedback. Students attending 'Scientific Communication' course are also required to write 3 reviews on someone else papers.


Thursday, 14 February, 2013 - Workshops, parallel sessions, social event.
Friday, 15 February, 2013 - Lecture, workshops, parallel paper sessions. The programme will be finished by 13h30.

Lodging from Thursday to Friday will be provided. All PhD students are required to attend the entire PhD winter conference. To attend the social event is desired, but optional.

Lecture: More information on the keynote speaker will be available later.

Important dates
  1. Deadline for answering participation <br\>
    Please answer, by email, if you are going to participate (as well as additional questions) until November 12th, 2012
  2. Deadline for paper submission <br\>
    All students are required to submit a full-length paper (2-15 pp) by January 14th, 2013 (extended).
  3. Review deadline
    Students who are required to write three reviews will obtain papers at January 15th, 2013 and will be asked to submit the reviews by January 28th, 2013. Here are two guidelines to be used when reviewing the papers (Paper I, Paper II). More about the review process can be found here.
  4. PhD winter conference dates
    February 14-15, 2013
Conference location

Falkenberg Strandbaden


Bus leaving 07h30 from University (meeting at Trade Center).

Bus leaving 13h30 from Falkenberg (to University).

Public transport to the hotel from Falkenberg center (if you do not travel with the bus above) Bus #1 (Schedule)


Anna Mikaelyan, e-mail:, phone: +46 (0) 35 16 73 70
Jens Lundström, e-mail:, phone:+46 (0) 35 16 78 65

After the conference

Here are some photos from the conference: Photos1 Photos2 Photos3

Tips for next year: ConferenceNotes

IDE PhD Conference 2014