date of the meeting | 2012/10/23 |
e.g. IS-lab, project name, ... | islab |
list of people (optional) | SB, FAF, AV, SN, AM, SK, BÅ, SGS, JL, TR, RP, NW |
Comments on Wiki:
- Remove alumni/ write birth/death date? (SN)
- Add SGS/Peter Muehlfellner to staff (checked by RP/SN)
- Extend info on projects with logo
- Deadline for suggesting topics
IAS steer group meeting
- Planning activities for 2014:
- Starting new Högproject (at least 2 companies involved in project)/ Put some project inside CAISR (~3-4 small companies)
- Starting new Högproject (at least 2 companies involved in project)/ Put some project inside CAISR (~3-4 small companies)
//Take this topic offline
- Other activities: guest researchers, electronic centrum (measurement center for certification)
- CC-lab(Ceres+, 2013): 2 guest professors, Strategic resource: Hoang
- IS-lab: CAISR 5/6 mln until 2018, Strategic resourses: Roland, Slawomir
- Research school? (from CC -> expand to is lab)
- Health technology internetaional network
- MI-lab: digital service innovation project
- JB: Vision for guest rsearcher: publish paper
- We need to profile us in healthcare tecknology
- 500km Policy,if it is less then take train instead of plane
- Environmental policy: non colour, double sided print, think about it!
Finish short propspective (SP) goals and responsibilities
- Add ASA to the list
- Slides
1. Keep companies interested
- Mention interesting projects from time to time
- demonstrators, videos
- Internal price for the best video (of project), deadline – 2013 (?)
- workshops? (People running groups are in charge of discussion: BÅ, NW)
2. Review project goals before start
- annual, biannual internal workshop to go through project
- ASA: review project proposals for each other
- TR: difficult due to tight deadlines
- JB: not separate application from theoretical idea
- ASA: talk at meetings about submitted proposals
- JB: more people involved in 1 presentation
- TR: separate weekly presentations and project discussions.
- Responsible: JB, TR, AV
3-6. Already covered