Publications:A segmentation-free approach to recognise printed Sinhala script using linear symmetry


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Title A segmentation-free approach to recognise printed Sinhala script using linear symmetry
Author Hemakumar Lalith Premaratne and Josef Bigun
Year 2004
PublicationType Journal Paper
Journal Pattern Recognition
Diva url
Abstract In this paper, a novel approach for printed character recognition using linear symmetry is proposed. When the conventional character recognition methods such as the artificial neural network based techniques are used to recognise Brahmi Sinhala script, segmentation of modified characters into modifier symbols and basic characters is a necessity but a complex issue. The large size of the character set makes the whole recognition process even more complex. In contrast, in the proposed method, the orientation features are effectively used to recognise characters directly using a standard alphabet as the basis without the need for segmentation into basic components. The edge detection algorithm using linear symmetry recognises vertical modifiers. The linear symmetry principle is also used to determine the skew angle. Experiments with the aim for an optical character recognition system for the printed Sinhala script show favourable results.