Publications:Estimating Ground Inclination Using Strain Sensors with Fourier Series Representation


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Title Estimating Ground Inclination Using Strain Sensors with Fourier Series Representation
Author Wolfgang Svensson and Ulf Holmberg
Year 2010
PublicationType Journal Paper
Journal Journal of Robotics
Diva url
Abstract An embedded measurement system for foot orthosis during gait is proposed. Strain gauge sensors were mounted on a foot orthosis to give information about strain in the sagittal plane. The ankle angle of the orthosis was fixed and strain characteristics were therefore changed when walking on slopes. With a Fourier series representation of the strain during a gait cycle, ground angle at different walking speeds and inclinations could be estimated with similar accuracy as previous studies using kinematically based estimators. Furthermore, if the angle of the mechanical foot ankle was changed, the sensing technique still could estimate ground angle without need for recalibration as opposed to kinematical sensors. This indicates that embedded strain sensors can be used for online control of future orthoses with inclination adaptation. Also, there would be no need to recalibrate the sensing system when changing shoes with different heel heights.