Publications:Exploring similarity-based classification of larynx disorders from human voice


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Title Exploring similarity-based classification of larynx disorders from human voice
Author Evaldas Vaiciukynas and Antanas Verikas and Adas Gelzinis and Marija Bacauskiene and Virgilijus Uloza
Year 2012
PublicationType Journal Paper
Journal Speech Communication
Diva url
Abstract In this paper identification of laryngeal disorders using cepstral parameters of human voice is researched. Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), extracted from audio recordings of patient's voice, are further approximated, using various strategies (sampling, averaging, and clustering by Gaussian mixture model). The effectiveness of similarity-based classification techniques in categorizing such pre-processed data into normal voice, nodular, and diffuse vocal fold lesion classes is explored and schemes to combine binary decisions of support vector machines (SVMs) are evaluated. Most practiced RBF kernel was compared to several constructed custom kernels: (i) a sequence kernel, defined over a pair of matrices, rather than over a pair of vectors and calculating the kernelized principal angle (KPA) between subspaces; (ii) a simple supervector kernel using only means of patient's GMM; (iii) two distance kernels, specifically tailored to exploit covariance matrices of GMM and using the approximation of the Kullback-Leibler divergence from the Monte-Carlo sampling (KL-MCS), and the Kullback-Leibler divergence combined with the Earth mover's distance (KL-EMD) as similarity metrics. The sequence kernel and the distance kernels both outperformed the popular RBF kernel, but the difference is statistically significant only in the distance kernels case. When tested on voice recordings, collected from 410 subjects (130 normal voice, 140 diffuse, and 140 nodular vocal fold lesions), the KL-MCS kernel, using GMM with full covariance matrices, and the KL-EMD kernel, using GMM with diagonal covariance matrices, provided the best overall performance. In most cases, SVM reached higher accuracy than least squares SVM, except for common binary classification using distance kernels. The results indicate that features, modeled with GMM, and kernel methods, exploiting this information, is an interesting fusion of generative (probabilistic) and discriminative (hyperplane) models for similarity-based classification. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.