Publications:Upper limit for context-based crop classification in robotic weeding applications


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Title Upper limit for context-based crop classification in robotic weeding applications
Author Henrik Skov Midtiby and Björn Åstrand and Ole Jørgensen and Rasmus Nyholm Jørgensen
Year 2016
PublicationType Journal Paper
Journal Biosystems Engineering
Diva url
Abstract Knowledge of the precise position of crop plants is a prerequisite for effective mechanical weed control in robotic weeding application such as in crops like sugar beets which are sensitive to mechanical stress. Visual detection and recognition of crop plants based on their shapes has been described many times in the literature. In this paper the potential of using knowledge about the crop seed pattern is investigated based on simulated output from a perception system. The reliability of position–based crop plant detection is shown to depend on the weed density (ρ, measured in weed plants per square metre) and the crop plant pattern position uncertainty (σx and σy, measured in metres along and perpendicular to the crop row, respectively). The recognition reliability can be described with the positive predictive value (PPV), which is limited by the seeding pattern uncertainty and the weed density according to the inequality: PPV ≤ (1 + 2πρσxσy)−1. This result matches computer simulations of two novel methods for position–based crop recognition as well as earlier reported field–based trials. © 2016 IAgrE