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Publications:Intelligent deflection yoke magnetic field tuning
Abstract <p>This paper presents a method and <p>This paper presents a method and a system to identify the number of magnetic correction shunts and their positions for deflection yoke tuning to correct the misconvergence of colors of a cathode ray tube. The method proposed consists of two phases, namely, learning and optimization. In the learning phase, the radial basis function neural network is trained to learn a mapping: correction shunt position --> changes in misconvergence. In the optimization phase, the trained neural network is used to predict changes in misconvergence depending on a correction shunt position. An optimization procedure based on the predictions returned by the neural net is then executed in order to find the minimal number of correction shunts needed and their positions. During the experimental investigations, 98% of the deflection yokes analyzed have been tuned successfully using the technique proposed.</p>ly using the technique proposed.</p>
Author Antanas Verikas + , Marija Bacauskiene + , A. Dosinas + , V. Bartkevicius + , Adas Gelzinis + , M. Vaitkunas + , Arunas Lipnickas +
DOI  +
EndPage 286  +
Issue 3  +
Journal Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing  +
PublicationType Journal Paper  +
Publisher Springer  +
StartPage 275  +
Title Intelligent deflection yoke magnetic field tuning  +
Volume 15  +
Year 2004  +
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Publications:Intelligent deflection yoke magnetic field tuning + , Publications:Intelligent deflection yoke magnetic field tuning + , Publications:Intelligent deflection yoke magnetic field tuning + , Publications:Intelligent deflection yoke magnetic field tuning + , Publications:Intelligent deflection yoke magnetic field tuning + , Publications:Intelligent deflection yoke magnetic field tuning + , Publications:Intelligent deflection yoke magnetic field tuning + , Publications:Intelligent deflection yoke magnetic field tuning + , Publications:Intelligent deflection yoke magnetic field tuning + , Publications:Intelligent deflection yoke magnetic field tuning +
Categories Publication  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 30 September 2016 20:42:01  +
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