Stefan Karlsson/PersonalPage/Education/Matlab With ApplicationsV2


This is the web page for the course Matlab with Applications (Matlab med tillämpningar). Find the course description here, and the schedule for the course here.

This course is given at one quarter speed, as lectures/practical excercises in the afternoons. The exercises will be available on this page that will update regularly.

Reach me at for any questions.



Course organization

There will be a total of 10-11 exercises in this course. Your will be graded for each exercise.

You may work in groups of 2, not more.

There is a deadline of 1 week for the tasks of each exercise. Exercises are graded as "Passed"(3), "Passed with distinction"(4) or "not passed" (0). If a deadline is missed for an exercise, you will have to resubmit late, which limits the max grade to (3), and will affect your overal course grade.

In the second part of the course (period 2) you will start on a small project. This project can have any grade in the range (1 to 6). There will be more details on the exact content of this project.

The final grade of the course is set with an algorithm you can download here.

Compulsory elements/attendance

Handing in tasks and project on time are the only compulsory elements of the course. Physical presence on any lecture/exercise is not compulsory


Introduction meeting

Start reading the the first exercise in preparation. Get all files need for Exercise 1 here.

During the first introduction meeting, I will briefly explain the outline of the course, and how you will be graded and what is expected of you. This should take no more than 30 minutes, after that we will get started with exercise 1 during the remainder of the introduction meeting.

Excercise 1, Vectors and Functions

Deadline to submit your tasks: 12am(24.00 hrs) on 13th of february.

Excercise 2, Matrices, program flow and sound of music

Deadline to submit your tasks: 12am(24.00 hrs) NEW DEADLINE: 21th of february.

Excercise 3, Matrices and Handles

Deadline to submit your tasks: 12am(24.00 hrs) on 27th of february.

Excercise 4, Fuzzy logic and Callbacks

Deadline to submit your tasks: 12am(24.00 hrs) on 6th of March.

Excercise 5, Linear Systems

Deadline to submit your tasks: 12am(24.00 hrs) on 13th of March.

Excercise 6, interpolation, curve fitting, integrals and differential equations

Deadline to submit your tasks: 12am(24.00 hrs) on 20th of March.

Excercise 7, Vectorization, timing and Debugging

Deadline to submit your tasks: 12am(24.00 hrs) on 10th of April.