1. Agreements
- Hotel
- Can be chosen only from the list of hotels having agreement with university.
- It's tricky because could be also chosen hotell 'Having something that this
- doesn't have'. What is this something special... tricky.
- Hotel Strandbaden people did not like
- University have agreement with printing company.
- We could print smth but for small amount of t-shirts (5 from Jac, takes hour if
- there are colours and t-shirts), but Eva need to be asked
- It is fine to print logo on t-shirts as well
- Ask before organazing all lab leaders if they are (more or less) free and Eva as well.
- Zero-alcohol policy (no money for alcohol). But there is a one glass rule for international guests.
- If there is a guest, one glass is allowed.
2. Other
- New employes can be invited to give talk about their research
- 3 organizers minimum or more time for preparing
- set deadlines for answering if coming/not coming (a lot of people drop out night before conference)
- Instructions inside the hotel (where to go, how to find rooms, etc.)
- external presenters are important
- people liked teambuilding activities
- questions from speakers were extremely helpful!
- more thoughtful/carefully done review process (matching of interests)