Evaluation of Open Source Robot Simulators for Smart Mobility Applications

Title Evaluation of Open Source Robot Simulators for Smart Mobility Applications
Summary Can open source robot simulators serve as starting point for cloud services that support automotive R&D and V&V?
References http://www.gcdc.net/

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Research_and_development http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verification_and_validation http://www.robocup.org/ http://www.theroboticschallenge.org/aboutsimulator.aspx http://www.coppeliarobotics.com/ http://gazebosim.org/

Prerequisites Solid programming experience, preferably in C++ under Linux.
Supervisor Roland Philippsen, Saeed Gholami Shahbandi, Christian Berger (Chalmers)
Level Master
Status Internal Draft

The upcoming "iGAME" competition is a continuation of the “Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge” and will attract international teams to work on cooperative manoeuvres, such as merging onto highways, which can profit from vehicle communication and distributed decision making. One of the challenges here is the coordinated and safe interplay of complex and heterogeneous systems from the various teams. Significant challenges when deploying a communication protocol for such scenarios include the need to identify all relevant real-world factors and capture them in the simulation and verifying that the protocol holds for the targeted scenarios. From a less technical point of view, a remaining open question is whether a common simulation platform, or even a custom cloud-based simulation service, could be used to lower the entrance barriers for participating in iGAME and making standardised tests inherent part of the vetting process before the real-world events. In combination with miniature vehicles (e.g. 1/10 scale) such a simulation-based "entry league" (to take inspiration from Robocup and the DARPA Robotics Challenge) could significantly boost the participation in and impact of iGAME.

The goal of this Master project is to survey approaches that leverage simulations in similar contexts and evaluate one or two open source simulators in view of using them for smart mobility application development. In particular, the question of whether they can be deployed as a cloud service shall be investigated. As a concrete project result, a prototypical implementation of such a service shall be targeted.