IDE PhD Conference 2014


IDE PhD Conference 2014


PhD winter conference is an internal event organized by Department of Information Science, Computer and Electrical Engineering (IDE). The conference is intended to provide an opportunity for PhD students to present ongoing research in a collaborative environment. Participants will be able to share their research ideas and results, and receive constructive feedback from their peers as well as senior researchers. The event is also supposed to help PhD students to broaden their view, and potentially initiate collaborations between PhD students from different fields.

Participation in the event is mandatory for all PhD students of IDE. Transportaion and accommodation (including meals) are provided.

Each student should submit a written document in the form of a conference paper and give a 20 minute oral presentation (including 5 min for questions) about her or his work.

Important dates

  1. Deadline for confirming participation November 12th, 2013
  2. Deadline for paper submission January 6th, 2014
    Deadline extension for paper submission January 12th, 2014
  3. Review deadline January 31th, 2014
    Download the paper review form from here.
  4. PhD winter conference February 6-7, 2014

Invited Speakers

  • Dr. Amy Loutfi [cancelled],
    Associate Professor at the AASS Research Center, Department of Science and Technology, Örebro University, Sweden.


  • Transportation: Sennans bus is arranged for transportation from Halmstad university to "Falkenberg Strandbad" and back.
    Thursday February 6th from "Högskolan" at 07:30. You will be able to board the bus at Spetsvinkelgatan.
    Friday February 7th the bus will leave "Falkenberg Strandbad" at 14:00


Falkenberg Strandbaden


Havsbadsallén 2A
31142 Falkenberg - Sweden

Photo Contest

Capture the most lovely moment through the first day of event and send one images to us. Photos will be displayed on this page and the best photo chosen by the participants will be awarded a gift as memento. Find the Photos here.

  • Stefan Byttner won the competition with photo no#3

Best Presentations

  1. Siddhartha Khandelwal
  2. Saeed Gholami Shahbandi
  3. Adam Duracz

Photo Galleries

IDE PhD Conference 2014 Photo Contest

IDE PhD Conference 2014 Presentations

Lecture on Scientific Peer Review

Dr. M. Mousavi will give a lecture on the topic of "Scientific Peer Review" in a short course format. The short course is a part of “Introductory Course to PhD”. Those who take the course will be credited for their reviewing submitted papers to this event as an assignment of the course.

Date: Wednesday December 11, 2013 - 09:00 to 12:00.
Place: E320, find it on the map
A dedicated page to the course, maintained by Dr. Mousavi.

A form prepared for paper reviewing for this conference is available from here.


Essayas Gebrewahid, e-mail:, phone: +46 (0) 35 16 73 27
Saeed Gholami Shahbandi, e-mail:, phone:+46 (0) 35 16 75 37

Previous Event

IDE PhD Conference 2013 at Falkenberg Strandbad

Similar event was organized last year in February 2013 by Anna Mikaelyan and Jens Lundström. More details are available at this link.