Attending: JL, ASA, SN, NW, TM, RT, AV, RP, for the seminar: BS, VERO -->
- Information from the IDERÅD meeting:
- New wages; new wages ready, will be payed out retroactive in May or June.
- IDE's proposals concerning development of education programs; three proposals: Health Technology, Foundation Year and Research Placement.
- HH's proposal concerning pedagogical qualification. Info on suggestion from VERO.
- Two KK financed projects to be presented at the KK-environment opening day (27 April). Suggestions: Malta and PPQ.
- CAISR "kick-off". Kick-off is now decided to May 8. Places suggested was Båstad, Hovshallar or Torekov.
- Seminar by Anita (starts at 10:30)